Did radial engines on WW2 fighters help at all to warm up cockpits?

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Todd Secrest

Jan 16, 2016
Did radial engines, like the R-2800 on the P-47, help at all to keep the pilot warm at those higher altitudes?
No. lol
The somewhat oppressive heat in the P-47 cockpit came from the turbocharger ducting running under/thru the cockpit and what I mean by that is it was hot, hot, hot and non-controllable. A blessing when cold out, not so much in the summer. It also had the regular ducted heat.

Aircraft with radial engines typically had ducting that brought outside air in and around exhaust manifolds and then into the cockpit which were controllable with a simple door/slide much like the heat register in your house.

Post war the F4U-5 and T-28's had a separate gasoline powered heaters that could be used for cockpit heat as well.

T-28 heater exhaust, small hole with stainless steel panel just above wing leading edge where it joins the fuselage. https://render.fineartamerica.com/i.../mediumlarge/1/jive-trojan-822-grady-lisk.jpg
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oh yes - if engine installation was wrongly designed - in a case of of La-5 and La-7 cockpit was nicely heated up to 50C not mentioning of "interesting" presence of the carbon oxide inside as well. It was enough to force Soviet pilots to permanently fly with open cockpits.
P-39 starting to sound good?
are you surprised? if you have selection between underpowered Yaks with superlight (read enemy fire vulnerable) structure, Lavochkin which basically tried to kill you before germans will have their chance and P39 with it's acceptable low level performance, robust design, good sight (you may not dream about anything even close as good on Soviet made fighters) and respectable firepower (i forgot - avionics - most of soviet fighters had just radio receiver if any, no gyroscopic instruments at all) - yes in this comparison P-39 looks more than reasonable....
Yet I read somewhere that the VVS wasn't fond of the P-47.
i wouldn't say so. P-47 was bought because Stalin would like to have american super-airplane in it's inventory. VVS have no idea what to did with this type - they moved it to the PVO because it's performance doesn't match typical aerial combat profile on eastern front, and no one in VVS HQ even tried to make assessment of the alternative task suitability (non typical fighter tasks). Also factor was that this airplane was complex machine (very complex in standards of Soviet reality of 40s) - you have to have well trained pilots to properly utilize its combat potential and ground infrastructure to keep them flying.
yes - but this problem was quickly removed from FW190 - in a case of soviet design it was ignored in La5 and transferred to La7. It is representative for Soviet way of thinking....

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