Do 18, Ju 86 pics

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May 21, 2004
As I'm a new user to the site I just want to say that you guys have done a great job.

I'm after pics of the Dornier Do 18 and Junkers Ju 86. If possible I would prefer colour so any help you can throw my way would be appreciated.

Thanx in advance

Thanks very much Kiwimac.

I have been longing for a long time for a colour (or re-coloured) image of a Do 18...anyone?
While I an not asking for picks i am asking about the Do-18, how meny crew it could hold and passangers, if any it could seat?

I know it was developed for trans-Atlantic mail and the military crewed it with upto 5, but am more interested if it seated passangers, like the Do-J
Wurnger, thanks. The Hisaviation site I like a lot, the third is in German, I cannot read

Kiwimic, that first Seaplane is a Do-24, not shure of model type, but it is not a Do-18. the rest are very nice Do-18s.
Here is a few pics of the Ju-86 I have.

Below: This the Ju-86P / Ju-86R.

Below: Ju-86P / Ju-86R.

Above: Airliner version of the Ju-86.

This is not all my pics but the bloody things are full of shit and does not want to work.

Great pics guys.


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