Do Americans use metric system?

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When I was in college, a very old professor expressed the opinion that English units were better in the machine shop. One hundredth of an inch (.010) is a good unit for non-precision work and readable on a scale. One thousandth of an inch is good for precision work. One centimeter is too big for non-precision work. One millimeter (.04") is a bit big for non-precision machine work. One tenth of a millimeter is too small for non-precision but too big for precision. Anyway, I'm convinced that the metric system is a Commie plot just like fluoride in water. It's no coincidence that when they add fluoride to water, they measure it in mg/liter.
It is easier than motes per cubic barleycorn.
That loud Woosh! You heard was an engineers joke going right over your head. post was also a joke. Thought that would be obvious. ..........obviously the unit of measure has nothing to do with it one way or the other..............woooosh
It's no coincidence that when they add fluoride to water, they measure it in mg/liter.
A litre of water weighs a kilo, that used to be the definition of a litre, so a dilution of milligrams into litres is much easier to calculate.
I went to tech school with a guy who believed the metric system was a commie plot to weaken America.
He was a young married guy, just had a single cab pickup with a camper.
His mother and dog rode in the cab with him, his wife and kid rode in the camper.
Let's just say his thinking processes were a little flawed, that marriage didn't last long.
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In his early career my Father was a surveyor and when I was a boy in the summer very often I went with him to the building site to earn some pocket money. My duty was to keep vertical and steady the stadia rod.

When we had to plant the pickets He had his own particular unit that involved "hair". When the movement of the picket had to be an extremely tiny one the hair was specified as belonging to a particular area of the female human body.
Funny you should say that, I was taught ultrasonics by C.J. Abrahams pioneer of many ultrasonic inspection and sizing techniques. His preferred unit of measure was obtained from a cats penis. Using his sizing technique would always get you within a cats cock hair of the correct result.
metric system is a Commie plot just like fluoride in water.
In 1861 Commie Agents armed with #1, The Metric System and #2 about 2,000 tons of CaF2 infiltrated the US. Traveling first to Colorado Springs where they located the towns aquifer. Digging down several hundred feet they buried about 500 tons of the CaF2 into the aquifer. Next they traveled to Oakley, Idaho locating a warm spring about 5 miles from the town the once again contaminated the spring with CaF2. Lastly and most insidious they traveled to Bauxite, Arkansas where ALCOA was building a company town to mine and process bauxite to produce Aluminium metal. Once again the heinous Communists contaminated the nearby aquifer with CaF2. Unfortunately for the Commie Plotters the Civil war was ending and they could no longer do their dastardly deeds unnoticed.
The CaF2 slowly dissolved in the aquifer entering the towns water supply. Soon children began to me born with discolored brown teeth. No self-respecting White-tooth wanted anything to do with the brown-tooths so inbreeding began. The brown teeth proved almost immune to tooth decay and so the brown toothers ate better and lived longer. In Bauxite Arkansas rumors were spread that it was Aluminium causing the brown teeth...Aluminium must be poisonous and more and more people began to reject anything made of the new metal.

1901 Frederick McKay a young dentist moved to Colorado Springs and was appalled at the number of chocolate brown toothed people and children in the town AND the fact that these brown teeth did not decay. He began to searcher the condition which he named Colorado Brown Stain.

In 1909 a world renown dental researcher G V Black arrived to assist with the research. McKay began to suspect something in the town water was to blame.
In 1923 McKay heard of the brown-toothed residents of Oakley, Idaho and was able to convince the town leaders to give up the sprig that they were using for the town's water and move to another spring. Within a few years newly born children had normal white teeth. McKay now knew that it was something in the water but could find nothing. Then the Brown-toothed residents of Bauxite, Arkansas drew McKay's attention. McKay called in Dr, Grover Kempf of the USPHS to assist but neither was able to find the problem. The reports produced by McKay and Kempf caught the attention of ALCOA's Chief Chemist H V Churchill who had been fighting claims that Aluminium was poisonous for years. Churchill decided to do a much more through testing of Bauxite's water supply using a Photospectrographic analysis. At last success and Churchill reported to McKay that the towns water contained high levels of FLUORIDE. Water samples from Colorado Springs and Oakley showed the same high levels of Fluoride.

In 1931 Dr. H. Trendley Dean, head of the Dental Hygiene Unit at the National Institute of Health began investigating the epidemiology of fluorosis and its effects on tooth enamel. Dr. Elias Elvove, a senior chemist at the NIH had developed a test for Fluoride in water accurate to 0.1 ppm. Through these studies it was determine that Fluoride levels of 1.0 ppm did not cause the brown-stains and still maintained the decay resistant teeth.

In 1944 Dean, the US Surgeon General, and the Michigan Dept. of Health convinced the City of Grand Rapids to add Fluoride to the cities drinking water. In a 15-year study 30,000 children born after the addition of fluoride were monitored for tooth decay. Tooth decay in Grand Rapids had dropped by over 60%.
Dean had not only foiled the Communist plot but it had yielded an unexpected added boon.

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In 1861 Commie Agents armed with #1, The Metric System and #2 about 2,000 tons of CaF2 infiltrated the US.

It's amazing that these commie agents were able to infiltrate anything in 1861, what with the secesh and copperheads taking up so much space.
Black=.005, Red=.003, Trueblonde=.001, as in "Down one TCH and hold!" An ancient and long established standard of measurement.
It is funny the comments
Even the jest.
It ain't no unit of measurement.
Its spilling me pint and slapping me bird.
Sounds like if metric became the mandated standard in the US of A, sounds more like an act of civil war than a standardised unit.

This is the problem today. Too many people willing to lose their knicker elastic over the most mundane and trivial.

No wonder any political discussion turns into excrement.
Black=.005, Red=.003, Trueblonde=.001, as in "Down one TCH and hold!" An ancient and long established standard of measurement.

Oh, that's from ancient Roman times...

Here an application...

Post scriptum
The word mile (miglio in Italian) derives from the Latin expression "milia passuum", "thousands of steps", which in ancient Rome indicated the unity equal to a thousand steps.
A Roman Legion was composed of tall and short men so the distance traveled with 1000 steps was more or less the same for all Legions.
It should be remembered that for the ancient Romans the "passus" was intended with the distance between the point of detachment and the point of support of the same foot during the journey, therefore double compared to the modern meaning.
Pitch 1.48 meters
Roman mile 1000 steps -> 1448 meters
therefore double compared to the modern meaning.
While PASSUS can be translated as STEP in this context it is more correct to use the term PACE. Much as in the modern military a PACE is every time your left foot hits the ground as in: RIGHT - LEFT....RIGHT - LEFT
A persons STRIDE length is directly related to their height. STEP LENGTH / HEIGHT = STRIDE. The Roman legions tended to recruit the tallest men so most Roman Legionaires were 5'7" - 5'8" so much like today a STRIDE was about 30 inches and a PACE 60 inches or 5 feet. Obviously a fully loaded Legionaire was not striding as far in the afternoon as in the morning so Roman engineers developed a wheeled cart whose wheels turned a gear which dropped a small pebble into a bucket every time the 5 foot circumference wheel made one revolution (a simple ODOMETER). Put 1000 pebbles in the top bucket and when the last one falls you've covered a 1000 paces or 5000 feet no matter how many paces it actually took.
It doesn't matter if it is 1000 paces as long as they are all the same or close to the same. Experience will use that as a guide to how far you can get in a day depending on what you are carrying and what the weather is like.

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