Dykes aircraft engine instructor

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"Dyke's Aircraft Engine Instructor" is quite a big book; well over 400 pages.

It is a quality publication and as good a reference for pre-1930's engines as you can get anywhere.

Copies are regularly up for sale on "Abebooks" and E-Bay usually at reasonable prices.

In my opinion, well worth the effort and money to get a genuine copy. It's a "must" for any aero-engine library.
Many Thanks I was not aware it was such a weighty tome, I really only want details on the Bristol Jupiter,but depending
on the price may buy one.
Kind Regards Mike
There's only about a page and a half on the Juptier in Dyke's.

If you want some real detail you need to look at Lumsden "British Piston Aero-Engines etc" which has about 7 pages devoted to the Jupiter.

"Fedden" by Bill Gunston (RRHT) has a lot on the Jupiter as well.

Cheers, J.
I donated my copy to the Aviation Engine Historical Society collection. You could contact them and see if you can obtain the info you want.


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