eBay: Fairey Battle

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Either 105 Squadron RAF at Harwell, or 207 Squadron RAF Cottesmore Rutland .

It might not be either. That looks like a contemporary line up of Bomber Command equipment, behind the Battle right to left is a Blenheim, Wellesley, Whitley and Harrow, all frontline bombers in 1937/1938. Looks like a review or display of some sort, but where...

A bit of info, written on each bomber is a number, which represents their squadrons, the Blenheim has 90, which replaced its Hawker Hinds with Blenheims in 1937. Note also that the Blenheim has spinners on its props, these didn't last long in service. It looks like the Battle has 105 written on its flanks, which ties in with its service in that squadron.
Fairey Battle Mk.1 L5540 ( JN-C ) of 150 Squadron, RAF: Lost on combat operations - officially " Battle L5540 shot down over Luxembourg, 10 May 1940". Airborne 15:30 from Ecury-sur-Coole, France. Hit by ground fire and crash landed in the target area near Bonnevoie, Luxembourg; all three crew were soon captured. Incident Fairey Battle Mk I L5540, 10 May 1940

Captured beute

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