eBay: Fairey Battle

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No marking of K9331 , no rotol prop Testbed BRISTOL TAURUS RADIAL

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Location Albert Canal, Vroenhoven, Limburg

Crew of Battle P2332:
Flying Officer Norman M. Thomas; survived, captured, taken as PoW. Interned in Camps 8B/L6/357. PoW No.13085
Sgt B.T.P. Carey; survived, captured, taken as PoW. interned in Camps 8B/L6/357. PoW No.13097
Corporal T.S.Campion; survived, captured, taken as PoW. Interned in Camps 6B/21B/L3, PoW No.1401.

Battle P2332 was airborne at 08:18 from Amifontaine, tasked to destroy the concrete bridge spanning the Albert Kanaal at Vroenhoven. Shot down by Flak and fighters and crashed near the bridge, 24 km SE of Hasselt, Belgium Incident Fairey Battle Mk I P2332, 12 May 1940

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Very nice, very close to the L5249. 12 Sq. PH-D from the one I have parts. I hope to see some day a picture of it.
Prototype K4303 10-05-1938 Tuesday Garden party

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