eBay: Junkers Ju86

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Date: Thursday 20 July 1939
Time: c. 17:00
Type: Junkers Ju-86z-2
Owner/operator: Swissair
Registration: HB-IXA
MSN: 086/0951
Fatalities: Fatalities: 6 / Occupants: 6
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location: near Konstanz Flugplatz - Germany
Phase: En route
Nature: Passenger - Scheduled
Departure airport: Vienna
Destination airport: Zurich
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
Emergency landing due to an engine fire. Lost control at 30m in a left turn after a go around and crashed.Two crew (pilot Ackermann, mechanic Mannhart) and four passengers.

  1. Accident Junkers Ju-86z-2 HB-IXA,
  2. Foto : Ju 86 Verkehrs-Flugzeug mit Kennung HB-IXA und weißem Kreuz 1943 | eBay
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