eBay: Lioré et Olivier LeO 451

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I read where some RAF Mustangs caught some of those in Luftwaffe markings in the South of France and shot them down. I wonder what the poor Luftwaffe pilots did to get assigned to those things.
I don't understand what you are saying, from what I understand the Luftwaffe used the captured Leo-451's mostly as fast transports, and possibly trainers. Are you suggesting that the pilots would be better off flying something lie a Ju-52? Vs a flight of Mustangs? IMO the Leo 451 was a good Aircraft type for 1940-41. But in 1943-44 not so much, but almost any twin engined bomber from 1939-40 would not fair any better in those conditions.

Just my opinion others may very.
No transport aircraft can take on some RAF/USAAF/LUFTWAFFE fighter flyboys. No dc3 no dc4 no me323 no ju52 nothing.
in this case its not the plane but what it encountered. Poor guys had no chance when engaged.

Now after d-day i would hate to be in the sky with a balkenkreuz on it. As did the poor bastards that had too. Go see the luftwaffe losses on fighters and bombers.

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