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Unfortunately it is not the Lublin R-XIII. That's the Letov S-328. The pic was taken by Germans in October 1939 in Dęblin. The plane belonged to the Czechoslovak flyer-pilots who run away to Poland in June 1939. They escaped to Poland flying the three Letov S-328 bi-planes (serial no. 155 ,342, 344) and one Aero Ab 101 (serial no. 15).

Here the Aero Ab 101 in the hangar at the Dęblin school.

the source: Województwo lubelskie - zdjęcia
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Sorry, but that one in the front is AERO A100.
Actually it was the Aero Ab 101. But you are right my mistake. I was thinking about the Letov but attached the pic of the Aero. The post edited. A good catch.

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