eBay: North American B-25 Mitchell

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Yes i think i see that detail.
Now that is some excellent sleuth work! Personally, I love to do what you did and figure out the bigger picture of these classic images.
I'd read that, early on, A-20s and B-25s were mixed together due to shortages in B-25 strafers. As "cammerjeff" stated, they could have also needed a lead bombadier, especially for strafers with solid noses.
This part of the war, low-level attacks on land and sea by medium bombers has always fascinated me with the American ingenuity, individuality, and courageous pilots flying high-pucker factor missions, in some models without a co-pilot, throw in skip-bombing ships, para-fragging airfields, and call me fanboi .
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There is always a confusion in the air if we speak of the two most prominent B-25-groups in the Pacific: the 38-th and the 345-th.
Is this a Dragon, is it a Black Panther, which group, what squadron?
There were no Dragons in the 345-th. The "Green Dragons" are from 405-th BS./38-th BG.
Now, is this a dragon head on the photo? Are those eyes or nostrils near to the tip of the nose?
Please note that this is a modified strafer with 4 fixed guns in the nose and 2 blister-packs (one on each side of the nose).
Even if the styles vary the dragon heads I've seen are usually in such position that only the bottom 2 guns are in the open mouth. The eyes of the dragon are always on both sides of the nose:

On the other hand the Bats Outta Hell (499th BS./345th BG.) for example always have the 4 guns in the open mouth and the eyes near to the front:

Of course there were also other "monsters" with shark (or maybe crocodile?) mouths in the 345th BG.:

...and in the 38-th BG, as well:

So is it a DRAGON or is it a BAT or maybe it's something else?
P.S. Just a hint: check the tail fins as well.
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Here is a Green Dragon from the 405th BS./38th BG. and it is different, more in the style of the original photo (post # 608):

And the final picture, proving the identity of the first a/c:

It's a 405th BS (38th BG.) Green Dragon indeed.
Case solved.
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Love that wolf.
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I found a photo of a different B-25 called "Millie" with the exact same nose art (or a copy of it) as of "Blonde Bomber". I don't have any further information about this a/c. It's obviously one of the mid-production planes (see single S-stacks exhausts) and probably a D-model. The nose armament is standard and differs from the armament of the modified "Blonde Bomber".

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Blonde Bomber Nude ORIGINAL 1943 Photo Plane Nose Art WWII Air Force Army NR

B-25D-20 41-30768 Blond Bomber from the 22nd BG. in New Guinea

Pop Craweford , Bob Laurie , John Findfley Percy Donack Co. Naozab 1943

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