What were the advantages and disadvantages?
There are some that by looking I could guess at but guessing my yield poor results on my part.
No more prop torque. I want to be careful on this guess as I wonder if it makes a difference if the one in back torques different than the one in front.
More weight? I don't know if it is that much heavier but I think it would have to be?
More complicated? I am guessing a lot more complicated but don't know.
Mechanical efficiency, I don't mean the blades slicing the air but the work to deal with the gearing and such. I don't know if there is a mechanical inefficiency but I am guessing there is a little?
Things I don't even want to guess at:
Prop efficiency (blades moving air) I don't know if one prop creates turbulence or something that affects the other prop?
Is there a horsepower threshold for this to be worth trying.
Why didn't we see these in WW2: Nothing but guesses on my part.
Development time?
Development not started early enough?
Negatives out weight positives?
When development was moving along the Jet Age killed it off?
There are some that by looking I could guess at but guessing my yield poor results on my part.
No more prop torque. I want to be careful on this guess as I wonder if it makes a difference if the one in back torques different than the one in front.
More weight? I don't know if it is that much heavier but I think it would have to be?
More complicated? I am guessing a lot more complicated but don't know.
Mechanical efficiency, I don't mean the blades slicing the air but the work to deal with the gearing and such. I don't know if there is a mechanical inefficiency but I am guessing there is a little?
Things I don't even want to guess at:
Prop efficiency (blades moving air) I don't know if one prop creates turbulence or something that affects the other prop?
Is there a horsepower threshold for this to be worth trying.
Why didn't we see these in WW2: Nothing but guesses on my part.
Development time?
Development not started early enough?
Negatives out weight positives?
When development was moving along the Jet Age killed it off?