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Sep 11, 2010
I don't know if this is the right topic for this, since I'm new here.

I'm looking for a few emblems of WW2 fighter squadrons.
The German emblems I'm looking for are:
2 JG 27
1 ZG 1
3 NJG 3
14 JG 3
This is all the info I have, hopefully it makes sense to someone.

The USAAF emblems I'm looking for are:
55th Fighter group 38th fighter squadron
78th Fighter group 83th fighter squadron
359th Fighter group 370th fighter squadron

I would be ever so gratefull if there is anybody that can help me with this.
Thank you so very, very much. You wouldn't believe how many hours I tried searching for these.
also this site
click the US Air Force box and scroll down to the "catagories/units , lots there too !
For books, "Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945" by Barry Ketley and "Emblems of the Jagdwaffe 1937-1945" by Sinisa Sistanovic.



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