Engine carby?

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Jeff Honsa

Feb 10, 2009
Brisbane Australia
Can anyone help me in identifying the item that was found on a beach called Millon Dollar point which is on the Island ofEspirito Santo,Vanuatu.This is where the Americans bulldozed all there equipment into the ocean at the end of WW2.There are no visible serial #or markings the part is considerably corroded so its very hard to pickanything out.
It has twin butterflys and could very well be a carbureter or injection manifold.
At this stage have not tried to clean it up but will in the near future.

Have more photos.
This is first time have used this forum so hopefully attachments worked ok.
Regards Jeff
That looks like a Bendix PD-12 carb. They were used on R-1820 and R-1830 engines. That would be the engine for B-17, C-47, F4F and a dozen other similar aircraft.
Yes, I believe it is a PD type carb possibly a 12H3 or H4. I have seen these butterflies fitted to those carbs. That is, the butterflies are not brass like the PD12K6 (Allison engines) but instead are a type of plastic (?) with cut outs and stainless shields. These carbs were fitted to C47 and Lodestar amongst other planes with radials. The thin stainless (what looks like) gaskets are what remains of the diaphragms. The flexible membrane was attached to these stainless "frames". Hope this helps?

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