F-14s returning to duty!

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
Didn't we all say she still had some fight in her?
Glider said:
Have to feel for the maintanence crews. They are in for a long tour.

Ahh...they'll love it. There is great pride associated with keeping older aircraft serviceable. I know from experience.

I bet the guys who've spent years keeping F-14s flying are actually glad. It's a tough jet with an amazing presence and you become emotionally attached when your working live revolves around them.

Cheers, Neilster
the old dog's still got pretty much fight left in them...
let that rig age for 30 years then our air force will probably get it
Yes, Tomcat for ever.

It fully backs up my opinion which I forwarded under: Russia Loses the Quantity War. "F-4's and F-14 could match any Russian aircraft at present".

It's kinda funny to watch them come in to land, gear down and all dirty. For all the world, they really do look like Turkeys.

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