F-86 Sabre airfoil section

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Mar 14, 2009
I am a student studying aeronautical engineering at Sydeny Uni in Australia and I have been given an assignment on Figure of Merit calculations. Things like best climb rate, top speed, tighest turn angle, take off length that sort of stuff.
The calculations at the moment are simplified but I need the airfoil section for the F-86A Sabre so that I can find technical data for my calculations.
If someone could provide me with the code or a link to data taken for the section I would be very greatful.



The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage

NACA 0009.5-64 (Root) NACA 0008.5-64 (tip) for F-86A
Thank you very much, Sorry for the late reply I've been frantic with this assignment and have been compiling my bibliography.

Yours in Aero,
Thank you very much, Sorry for the late reply I've been frantic with this assignment and have been compiling my bibliography.

Yours in Aero,

Byron - your more difficult series of calculations will have to deal with effect of leading edge slats on very low speed, high gross weight, performance metrics (i.e. short field landing).

Ditto turn performance. If you engage in doing a free body diagram and then develop equations of Motion to attempt to calculate time to complete 360 degree turn at constant altitude - you will have some fun particularly as you integrate the changes to energy as the 86 sheds velocity to increase the high bank angle, high AoA, to maintain altitude!

What assumptions do you plan to make - and do you intend to look at slab tail of 86E or conventional elevator of the 86A. Trim drag will be different.

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