F4U Blueprints

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Jul 21, 2020
Does anyone have good scans of blueprints for the major F4U models? Specifically, I'd be looking for something that covers all four -1 variants, and ESPECIALLY ones that include cross sections of the fuselage, wing, and stabilizers.

I'm looking to possibly do some 3D model work and want to try to be as accurate as possible. I know there was a thread here a few years back that had them, but when I looked at it pretty much all the links were dead.
That's a start. However the problem with those is many of them will require rotation to be useful, which can corrupt the image (to say nothing of getting the correct angle). There's not enough wing cross section points on any of them to get an accurate shape, either, and none seem to have sections of the horizontal or vertical stabs.
Question about the airfoil:

If I know the NACA number, I can presumably find an image of the cross section and simply scale it as necessary for different points on the wing?
Hi Ambaryerno,

Just curious - you're looking for data on the four variants of the of the F4U-1, but I'm not sure which four interest you. I can think of the original Birdcage, the raised cockpit (aka -1A), the cannon-armed -1C, the multi-pylon -1D, and several variations of the British Corsairs (mostly involving wingtip variations).

The folks at Vought still have an active history office, though most of the manpower comes from retirees who may not be at the office right now (due to Covid concerns). In the past they were able to help me with several projects.


I'm looking for:

F4U-1 (Birdcage)
Question about the airfoil:

If I know the NACA number, I can presumably find an image of the cross section and simply scale it as necessary for different points on the wing?
Yes, pretty much. You would still need to know where the airfoil transitions from the root airfoil to the tip airfoil.
Also, if you use the generator on Airfoil Tools, you can send the one you have created to the airfoil plotter and then download the image as a pdf.
I think I have an idea of where the transition is, as there's a noticeable change to the taper of the wing at the tip when viewed from front-on. So I think I have enough to work with to do the main wing. I'll need to see if I can find the foil shape for the vertical and horizontal stabilizers.

In which case I'll just need to find a good set of plans with sections for the fuselage. It SEEMS that externally other than the fixed pylons on the later marks, the only real difference between the -1 and the others is the canopy, the top cowl flaps were removed beginning with the 1A (later -1s jammed them closed) and the cannon on the 1C. The bubble-top hogs didn't significantly redesign the rear deck or forward fuselage. So I probably only really need to model the fuselage once.

I'll also need details on the engine cowling interior and the interior of the wheel wells for the rib layouts, however this falls under detail work and greeblies.
I think I have an idea of where the transition is, as there's a noticeable change to the taper of the wing at the tip when viewed from front-on. So I think I have enough to work with to do the main wing. I'll need to see if I can find the foil shape for the vertical and horizontal stabilizers.
Generally, the transition between root and tip airfoil starts way earlier than just the taper that you described. For example, on the F2A Buffalo, this transition starts at at station 84 where the gun port is. I think that in the case of the corsair, the transition could have started at the hinge point of the outer wing and ended at the section where the strong taper starts.


  • F2A.PNG
    107.7 KB · Views: 172
  • F4U.PNG
    44 KB · Views: 167
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So maybe when modeling, place my last "Wingroot" loop at the hinge, the first "Wingtip" loop at the taper, and the space in between would then be a transition between the two?

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