- 6
- May 22, 2024
hi i am from PEI Canada , i need some help with this switch box (pics below), super long story short is this was in a box of ww1 and ww2 stuff from my grandfather that had every thing from nazi Luftwaffe spoons and dinner plates to ammo to aircraft parts like everything , he was a sergeant in the RCHA died in 94 and we just found this stuff because my mother is moving , it got over looked , i did a google search from the writing on the front and it comes up as a bomb release switchbox from a ww2 Fairey Swordfish airplane .... the only pic i found was a guy selling one of these attached to wood but his switches are black and mine are brass i think. i was hoping there is a way to track down what airplane this is from and if it ever dropped bombs , there is a small trace of a yellow stamp on the back , any help would be awesome i love learning the history of these things .
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