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the lancaster kicks ass

Major General
Dec 20, 2003
i dunno how many of you guys get those crappy chain letters, all started in 1860 by a man with no arms and no legs? that say if you don't send this to 100 people in 10 seconds you'll die and have a bad love life? i got this one not long back and it's the worst i;ve ever got, why the hell do people send this shit out? do they really think it's funny? or even worse, true :shock: and of course it has the dreadded curse of the forwarded email, the >> at the start of every line........

>>here just do it
>>most people aren't sure of what they realy want in
>>life. I received this
>>letter from a friend on the computer, did what it
>>told me to, and within a
>>week, everything I had wished came true!! Here's an
>>exact copy, this really
>>1. To yourself, say the name of the only
>>guy or girl you wanna be with 3
>>2. Think of something you wanna accomplish
>>within the next week and say it to your self
>>3. If you had 1 wish what would it be? say it to
>>yourself 9 times!!!
>>4. Think of something that you want to happen
>>between you and that 1special person and say
>>it to your self 12 times!!!
>>5. Now, heres the hard part! Pick only 1 of these
>>wishes and as
>>you scroll down focus and
>>concentrate on it and think on nothing
>>else but that wish.
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>>Now make one last &final wish about that one wish
>>that you picked.
>>After reading this, you have 1 hour to send it out to
>>15 people, and what
>>you wished for will come true within in one week!
>>u only get one chance!!!!! Now scroll down and think
>>of your
>>Keep going down
>>Keep going
>>Did you think of your crush? I hope so, that was
>>your last chance. Now pay very close attention this
>>important message!
>>Sorry but once read, must be sent. Yes, this is one
>>of those kinda chain
>>letters that everyone hates. This one has been going
>>since 1863 and if you
>>break this chain, you will pay!!!!!! Remember that
>>after hearing these
>>First Example:
>>Take Barbra Wallace.. She was a pretty lucky girl,
>>up till she got this same chain letter. She
>>had a
>>crush on the same kid
>>since kindergarden. when she got this mail she didn't
>>pay any attention to
>>it. She just thought, no big deal. And deleted it.
>>The next day her dad
>>got fired and her mom dies in a car crash. If she
>>would have sent the
>>letter none of that would have happened and her mom
>>would be alive.
>>Second Example:
>>Try Freddie D. Now Freddie D. was your average
>>nerd. Had glasses, was short and chubby, was in
>>gifted. All the signs of
>>your total dork. He also received this letter and
>>sent it to 51 people in
>>the hour. Now, like Barbra, he had a crush on a girl
>>since 3rd grade. The
>>next day after sending the chain the girl confessed
>>her love for him ever
>>since 3rd grade. Freddie D. finally had the courage
>>to ask her out, and
>>course, she had been waiting to yes to that for
>>years. They grew up and
>>married each other to live happily forever.
>>Third Example:
>>Now if you couldn't relate to the others, this'll
>>get ya hooked. Listen to this. A kid named Jordan
>>Johnson was just
>>getting on AOL to check his mail. He was a quiet kid,
>>not that popular but
>>not a geek either. he was just normal. He saw he had
>>mail from his
>>friend. It was this exact letter. Now Jordan Johnsen
>>was a smart kid and
>>he knew what could happen if he didnt pass it on. He
>>simply pulled a few
>>friends from his buddy list and sent it along. The
>>next day, about that
>>same time, he got a phone call. It said he had won
>>the lottery! then his
>>dad came home and bought him a new bike! His mom
>>bought him
>>Nintendo64 and
>>play station! His grandmother sent him a new
>>computer, and his best friend
>>gave him tickets to the concert he wanted to go to,
>>Kid Rock and Limp
>>Bizkit! Then he inherited a brand-new tv from his
>>aunt! He was goin' wild!
>>the next day his secret crush asked him out, and they
>>have been going out
>>ever since.
>>Now, you heard the stories. I know which person i'd
>>be, but thats up to you. I wouldn't wanna end up like
>>Barbra but thats
>>only me. We all want what we cant have but now's ur
>>chance to go out with
>>that special somebody ur waiting for. Take it or
>>leave it. If you send
>>this to-
>>1 person- you will lose all luck in ur love
>>10 people- your crush will say they like you as
>>15 people- your crush will say they like you
>>20 people- your crush will ask you out!
>>25 people- your crush will kiss you!!
>>30 people - Your crush will have sex with you
>>35 people or more- All of the above!!
>>Don't blow it, it's ur chance to shine! Have
>>everything u wanted, and more! Now, complaining cus u
>>dont have any
>>friends. Well theres an answer 4 everything. It's
>>simple, just go in a
>>chat room, pick some names and send away! but here's
>>the only
>>have one hour to send it after being read. Please
>>pass this to everyone u

don't worry, i didn't send it on, i get tons like that but that was was full of more shit than the rest, so go on, what rubbish do you get sent to you?
As soon as I see FWD!!!! at the start of an email I just go straight for the delete button...

The wrost ones are the ones that say MSN will be delted if you dont forward it...bullshit at its runniest....
i don't know, the ones about the starving little boy in Baklaliviatatlaglooshen who has no arms, no legs, no parents, and no goats that when you pass it on, a dollar will be donated to the Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy from Baklaliviatatlaglooshen Fund, good lord do they really think microsoft or whoever they claim are gonna give 'em money will actually give them money?

that's the worst thing about most of them, people think they're funny! there's only one thought scarier than that- people actually think they're true :shock:
"If you dont send this email on, the ghost of a woman will appear from under your bed and brutally murder you" ;)

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