FW-190A4 MW-50

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Mar 13, 2008
All greetings! Very long ago I here was not. There were on that reasons. I after all again am not simple so. There is a business. Search at a forum that something has not given... And the following interests me. Whether there was system MW-50 on serial fighters FW-190A4? As far as I know on A4 possibility for installation MW-50 has been provided. And in general changes have been made to a design (in comparison with A2/3), as that: landing places on frames, the union for connection of highways, a hole in the panel of devices for giving cranes etc. But serially the system was not established. Some cars have been equipped and there passed tests in Рехлине (Rehlin ?), then "army" in JG2 and 26. It has been by results decided not to put, since the gain in speed was not big, but weight (and system cost) big. Besides, then have started to test gasoline injection in an air inlet, and it has appeared much more effectively, and besides is easier and cheaper (while the Romanian oil from which was readily available did gasoline C3). In the end of war when with the natural it became high октановым gasoline badly, began to come back again to spirit to systems. On А8 and А9 sometimes put and метанол and ethanol. Nevertheless, gasoline injection in an air inlet was the basic system always. "C3 айншпритцунг (I do not know as on English it to translate )".
Therefore me very much interests:
First, whether was MW-50 on FW-190A4.
Secondly, than to explain here it: Post War Flight Test Evaluation of 190A4 especially http://www.wwiiaircraftperformance.org/fw190/ptr-1107.pdf
Especially me comparison with the American planes interests. In the same place it is spoken. That included something. That increased capacity of the motor, but is not spoken about that. That this for system was. It is gasoline injection in an air inlet or not?
I believe gasoline is injected at the port air intake and MW50 is injected at the supercharger exhaust. From what I understand some A5 and possibly A4 models were retroactively fitted with erhönte notleistung (either type) during 1943 and kept in service as fighter-bombers (ie. schlachtgeschwader) after later models had been introduced. The gasoline injection was serially produced for the Fw190G-3, based on the A-6 airframe from October 1943. The A-8 received most commonly MW50 system in serial production from January 1944 and the F-8 received most commonly gasoline injection system in serial production from March 1944.

Initially a restriction of 1000 metres altitude was placed on sondernotleistung, and the low supercharger gear specified. This restriction was removed when fitted to 190A models and postwar American testing of an Fw190G did not understand why German documentation listed altitude/blower restrictions on the Fw190G/F and not the Fw190A-8 although truth be told most Fw190A, except for a handful of retroactive fitments on earlier models apparently used the MW50 system at least in serial production. Other restrictions placed on its use was that it could only be engaged in severe emergencies, at high speed and for as little time as possible, with the throttle fully open and prop pitch under kommandogerät control.

At sea level output is claimed ca.1730hp for the 801D-2 at 1.42atü start u/notleistung and ca.1870hp at 1.65atü sondernotleistung in the postwar US tests of a captured Fw190G using the gasoline injection.

So you might see an A-4 with the boost system fitted, but if in actual service not before about mid 1943 and probably in a schlachtgeschwader. Possible for an exception in testing purposes.
Aha. Clearly. And when in general system MW-50 has been developed? Here in пристежке in German something is written. So there it is said, that only in 1943 tested it. I.e. it turns out, what in 1942 it could not be on FW-190A4?


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