G.E. CH-5 Turbo-Charger Installation Specifications

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Airman 1st Class
Jul 9, 2014
Does anyone have a nett weight for a G.E. CH-5 Turbo SuperCharger? Also, any weight metrics for a corredponding inter-cooler and manifolding for say, an R-2800 installation (was it air-to-air or water-cooled?
The CH-5 in the XP-47H (water cooled, inverted V-16, Chrysler XI-2220 engine test bed) used air-to-water intercoolers and aftercooler but I've been unable to find the weights of the components. Some information on the GE family of superchargers, but not the CH-5, can be found here: https://www.enginehistory.org/Turbochargers/GETurbochargerData.jpg

The Boeing/Fisher XB-39 (Allison V-3420 engines) flew a short time with CH-5 turbochargers which I believe used air-to-water intercoolers.
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Thanks Tom, awaiting a reply from Kim McCutcheon .... see what info he has. Thanks again.

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