Jan 4, 2007 #1 v2 Major 9,067 11,337 Nov 9, 2005 Cracow mysterious spaceship. more: Blue Origin Attachments pic3.jpg 32.3 KB · Views: 155
Jan 4, 2007 #2 Matt308 Glock Perfection 18,961 94 Apr 12, 2005 Washington State McDonnel Douglas DCX Was a DARPA(?) venture to build an earth to orbit spacecraft using vertical thrusters vice spaceplane concept. Program canceled due to funding. This looks like a follow up with private monies. Pretty cool, huh?
McDonnel Douglas DCX Was a DARPA(?) venture to build an earth to orbit spacecraft using vertical thrusters vice spaceplane concept. Program canceled due to funding. This looks like a follow up with private monies. Pretty cool, huh?