hello everyone

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Sep 1, 2006
hi everyone, done lurking and finally decided to subscribe, ww2 warbird nut since early childhood growing up just beyond perimeter fence of RAF Woodvale in Formby watching the Meteors and Chipmunks play, rose to dizzy heights of Flight Sergeant in ATC, got my glider wings at RAF Grantham in 1972 then it all went wrong and i became a geologist ...

anyway, seems like a nice crowd and no, i'm not a warmonger thanks to cautionary tales from father (Chief Engineer - HMS Ark Royal) and grandfathers (one REME - 8th Army North Africa and t'other Head Chef for Cunard on Troop ships) and grandmother (bombed out of three ! houses in Liverpool 1940-1941) (still alive now 101 !)

talk to you soon ...


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