Help with BF 109 Slat Cross-section

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Matej Burum

Sep 24, 2024
Hi everyone,

I'm currently a mechanical engineering student in Croatia, and for my bachelor's thesis, I plan to analyze the fluid flow over the slats of the Messerschmitt BF 109 fighter aircraft.

I'm facing some difficulties in finding detailed documentation, drawings, or technical specifications necessary to model the cross-section of the slats accurately. I've scoured the internet and various databases, but so far, I haven't had much luck in finding reliable resources.

If anyone has access to or knows where I could find detailed drawings, blueprints, or even technical manuals that include information on the BF 109's slats, I would be extremely grateful for the help!

Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance.

Best regards,
Matej Burum

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