Help with decal options

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Ralph Haus

Tech Sergeant
Jul 24, 2016
Leander Texas
Just getting into my Eduard Fw 190F-8 kit; ProfiPack 1/48 82139. A kit that is WAY more detailed than my usual builds. As usual I do read the instructions prior to starting. Usually understanding the bulk of choices that have to be made dependent on which detailing I choose. This kit has 7. Each carrying their own unique decal set to be used. It's the last page, the general decal (stenciling) that has me confused.
Many are common but some have choice options. It's not relating these options to any specific build that has me baffled? Example. The NO step area calls for A2?A6 and A1?A5. Within this area is the choice for L?L1. The difference between A2 and A6 is red vs black colors. So, I guess the question is, is there an association to specific builds (in my case A - G) that I'm missing?
If you have a look a the pages 13-18 ( profile A-G ) of the kit instruction you can notice that the A and G ones don't need any of the mentioned markings. The entire rest of them ( B,C,D,E,F ) require the black markings only. Just the Eduard decal sheet with the stencils is a kind of the universal one with stencils that can be added to many their other kits for the Fw 190A-G and even the Dora. It can be noticed in many pics that there were Wurgers with the red and white stencils applied as well. But not just in the case of the kit. In other words you got stencils "with room to grow into" as we say in Poland.
If you have a look a the pages 13-18 ( profile A-G ) of the kit instruction you can notice that the A and G ones don't need any of the mentioned markings. The entire rest of them ( B,C,D,E,F ) require the black markings only. Just the Eduard decal sheet with the stencils is a kind of the universal one with stencils that can be added to many their other kits for the Fw 190A-G and even the Dora. It can be noticed in many pics that there were Wurgers with the red and white stencils applied as well. But not just in the case of the kit. In other words you got stencils "with room to grow into" as we say in Poland.
Thank you. As mentioned I'm not yet very experienced with 'high end' kits. Those that I have done did do a lot if 'hand holding'. Your explanations make sense, however they do not clear up some, like which decals are used on the landing gear; Q-W1-O? May not make a difference in that they were randomly used?
As you may know the Fw 190 was assembled in many factories ( co-factories). So the stincils could vary because of that and time. However , in the case of your kit, all profiles show clearly that the stencils there were the Q and R. It is enough to have a look at the profiles with the undersides there and the wheel bay doors closed.
Still a bit confusing (placement options) but I think I should (as you are stressing) just look at the placement type and verbiage as shown in the profile I finally select (A-G?). Only using the positions page for common, no choice, decals such as the fuel octane labels. Out comes the good magnifying glass! Thanks.
Perhaps a bit overwhelming, the details and all, but this is where I will grow in my skills. Excited to start, and even if not perfect., I have a backup challange to help me improve. A BF109G-10, also an Eduard 1/48 kit. Might start a thread on my build progress?

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