Some information of Hispano-Suiza 12Y-31 and Klimov M-103/M-105 found in Helsinki university library. - Sorry in finish.
For other way to find the document:
Go to
Kansalliskirjasto - Digitoidut aineistot - Pienpainatteet
And select there link "Hispano Suiza 12Y-31 M-103 M-105 Rakenneselostus, käyttö- ja huoltoohjeet"
If someone find something really interesting data, I can try translate with my bad English, when I get time!
For other way to find the document:
Go to
Kansalliskirjasto - Digitoidut aineistot - Pienpainatteet
And select there link "Hispano Suiza 12Y-31 M-103 M-105 Rakenneselostus, käyttö- ja huoltoohjeet"
If someone find something really interesting data, I can try translate with my bad English, when I get time!