Home wanted for Airplane Wheels - free

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Hi Nick,
The person I thought could help ID the wheels thinks the tyres/tires are for aircraft but the rims are not. His thoughts are that maybe the wheels may have been used on some sort of ground equipment, may be a trolley that was used on the Squadron. But being steel hubs these wouldn't have been on a plane :0(
Still an interesting find though.
Hi Nick,
The person I thought could help ID the wheels thinks the tyres/tires are for aircraft but the rims are not. His thoughts are that maybe the wheels may have been used on some sort of ground equipment, may be a trolley that was used on the Squadron. But being steel hubs these wouldn't have been on a plane :0(
Still an interesting find though.
Thanks Steve, I'm assuming that these are not for you then? Sadly then it means that unless someone else shows an interest they're bound for the recycling centre.
Thanks Steve, I'm assuming that these are not for you then? Sadly then it means that unless someone else shows an interest they're bound for the recycling centre.
Sorry for the delay in answering, been in hospital ! Thank you, but I think if you can find someone that want's them I'll pass. I hadn't even thought about the steel hubs before my friend said about them. As Snautzer01 said, you could try and find a re enactment group that may find a use for them. Thanks anyway ;0)
Sorry to hear that, hope everything is OK. Yes, I will try RAF re-enactment groups first - I hate putting stuff into landfill.
Yes all fine here. I hope you find someone that can make use of them. Seems a sin to just get rid of them.

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