Horsemen Galloping at Duxford FL

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I saw them for the first time last year at Chino and it is a great show. They flew 3 Bearcats this year at Chino. The Mustang act is a must see for you guys 'across the pond'.

I have watched that video at least a dozen times, Lee. It never gets old.
Im booked in to do both days this year, soon as the flight list is out i'll post it, I'll also post anything I snap as per usual guys. It would be nice to get you taking the pics Eric then we'd have something really special to adorn the site.
By the by there is a special visit planned later this year by the Friends of Duxford society to Lakenheath soon as the booking list is open I'll have my name and passport ID down as numbers are limited to just 30 members due to base operational limits. If I get lucky I'll take plenty of shots ( where allowed) of your old stomping ground my friend.

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