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I feel your pain Dave. That "suitcase" mystery machine still drives me nuts.

That would be my thought. Originally I thought it was a parasol.
The Breda 15-S looks good....?
What was getting my attention, was the Jury Struts, as they looked a great deal like the early Boeing Monoplanes, like the XF5B (pictured earlier) and those distinctive wheels, again, like Boeing's.

And some of Wojtek's photos didn't load in his post earlier when I was on the hunt, otherwise, I would have spotted that Breda fitted with skies earlier
THX Pal. The Letov or Lublin R-XIII were quite large planes with the fuselage of more round shape in the ctoss section. Because of their weight the landing gear was of much high strength construction. This also resulted in dimensions of the main wheels that were of smaller diameter and thicker tyres. So these couln't fit the questioned aircraft. However I have checked on them too.

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