Identify this cockpit panel ...

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 27, 2021
One instrument has an RAF mark, two have Canadian overhaul shop marks. Various RCAF items were with it. Some instruments are just paper cut outs and the magneto switch. Over us just stuck on without holes cut for the switches, so maybe this is a training aid only? But anyway, does anyone find this familiar? It would be a small single engine aircraft.



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Might be some sort of procedures trainer. Looks like the turn and slip and wet compass are functional (or at least real instruments), along with the oil pressure and comm. Seems an odd combination, unless you were training ground ops and possibly a basic instrument scan with comm procedures.
given the lack of attachment fittings etc I would expect it is from some sort of homebuilt. The Trans switch looks like a Cessna or Piper switch from the 70s
I removed the transmit switch and noticed it is not a momentary switch instead it is just a bistable rocker switch. I also noticed the cut out in the aluminum panel was crudely done. The switch is corroded as if outdoors for years.So very little chance this is a warbird , some chance a home built, or training aid, or decoration. The panel itself is correct material and appears to be made on a proper jig or a big die.


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