If German have access to high ocatane fuel, how does that impact the performance of their fighters?

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Yes, reading and understanding the detail in TSHR by Calum Douglas is the most accurate way to relate the German problems with their engines, and some of their aircraft decisions as well! Most of the German problems were basic resource issues, fuels and metals.
So, the DB 601 N was a successful upgrade at the time, but that upgrade was only ever a short-term improvement for the DB 601 A and used in the late Bf 109 E and some Bf 110. The slightly late development of the DB 601 E then forced the DB 601 N to be used in the Bf 109 F1/F2 and the problems with long-stored "C3" (as it was at that time), the rubber fuel bag-tank contaminating the fuel and the oil dilution problems, combined to cause big problems. But that was just the start of it!


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