information about losses

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Oct 22, 2008
hi i am daughter of a deceased decorated bomber pilot i would really be grateful for information-numbers and statistics of losses-planes and pilots[raf] per mission and total,also if possible bombers seperate statistics,[is it true that 80% losses occured through the war?]
80% chance of not making it sounds like it would be 2 tours or 50 missions. It would help if you gave the Squadron and possible dates of his career

Yeah, a bit more info would be helpful. His name, where he was stationed, do you know what he flew.

Or are you just looking for RAF statistics in general?

There is an archived version of the Bomber Command Diary here:

RAF History - Bomber Command 60th Anniversary

It has a day-by-day picture of targets, losses, etc.

It's taken from the "Bomber Command War Diaries" by Martin Middlebrook (I've also mentioned it in the other losses thread). In the appendices, the author says around 60% of Bomber Command became casualties, calculated thus:

Aircrew seeing active service: around 125,000

Killed in action or died as PoWs: 47,268
Killed in flying accidents: 8,195
Killed in ground battles: 37
Total Fatal Casualties: 55,500
Prisoners of War, including many wounded: 9,838

Wounded in aircraft, returned from ops: 4,200
Wounded in accidents flying or ground: 4,203
Total Wounded, other than PoWs: 8,403

Total Aircrew Casualties 73,741

You have to bear in mind that casualties were incurred at widely differing rates during the conflict. Here's a graph I whipped up from data off the Bomber Command website I mentioned in the other thread:

As you can see, for the better part of three years, overall losses (Failed to Return, lost in operational accidents) ran at about 5%. However, as about half of the total sorties were made in the last year of the war when the Luftwaffe had been nearly overwhelmed, overall rates end up being lower, around 2.7%.

Hope this helps.
hi thanks a lot that was what i needed,my father survived the war but was killed ironically in a car accident[the other drivers fault]his name thomas amiel cooper,also known as kuperman

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