I've been trying to research the Fw44 that was used as a proof of concept test bed for a nose mounted ducted fan to test the concept of a nose mounted jet engine in the Fw190TL(the first one, not the under slung unit that was a later proposal). A Fw 44J was used with a Bramo 325. I can't find anything out about this engine. I'm using the information from Justo Miranda's excellent Focke Wulf Jet Fighters, and would like to modify a 1/72 Steiglizt to take the fan unit(scratch built, relatively easy), but as the engine is aft of the fan, and the cowl has helmets for the rocker boxes on the radial, this too is something I'll have to scratch, unless I can find a matching cowl on something else(even new kits get consigned to the spares box).