INTERVIEWS with German fighter pilots

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Feb 2, 2024
Howdy friends! I'm looking old interview footage with Fw 190 and Bf 109 pilots. Published or unpublished, English language or German, film or VHS... doesn't matter. I've scoured YouTube already myself. Now I'm looking for interviews in private hands, in collections, in museums, or anyplace else I can find them. Please help if you can. Any contacts or information you could post here is appreciated. Thank you!
Yes, I did. I found an interview with Fritz Boost, whose alleged career as an Fw 190 pilot I cannot confirm from any source. Also some general stuff from Adolf Galland in a round table setting from the 1990s. But no dedicated interviews on specific combat incidents from a verified pilot. I thought I would find hundreds but it turned out to be surprisingly scarce.
Also found a smattering of brief clips within larger documentaries, but I'm looking for raw interview material.
Yes, I did. I found an interview with Fritz Boost, whose alleged career as an Fw 190 pilot I cannot confirm from any source. Also some general stuff from Adolf Galland in a round table setting from the 1990s. But no dedicated interviews on specific combat incidents from a verified pilot. I thought I would find hundreds but it turned out to be surprisingly scarce.
Boost, Fritz P. Uffz11/25/1922BitterfeldFliegerausbuldungs-63 (2/41), 7/TG-5 (8/44 Schleswig-Holstein)Me 323 Ju 52, Fw 190AHJ Pin
Wound Badge
Transport Operational ClaspPOW 6 May, 1945; captured by the British as he was sitting in his Fw 190 awaiting orders to escort Ju 88s to southern Germany and the Redoubt. Most of his duties were escort flights for supply drops. Injured in an emergency landing at Breslau. This information came from a You-Tube interview. His assignment may be an error. Help appreciated.
(Added by Pietrzak Youngs)
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Many thanks! There's really not as much out there as one would expect. So I'm digging deeper :)
There is quite a bit. Not even that hard to find.
A very simple Gunther Rall youtube, or Adolf Galland youtube or...etc.

Even wartime like interviews with Marseille or Lent on Wochenschau.

Think you need do search a tad better.

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