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Dago Wop

Jan 26, 2012
It may be of interest to know that on issue 109/2015 of "Ali Antiche" ("Old WIngs", the magazine of GAVS, the Italian Historical Aircraft Friends Group: GAVS - Gruppo Amici Velivoli Storici - Magazine) an article was published, which describes a recently discovered document summing up the flight tests carried out on the fighters of Italian Regia Aeronautica in 1941.

Here's my personal selection of the most interesting data (the article, with a table, four charts and several pictures is far richer and detailed).

For the first time one discovers the performance of the naval version of Fiat G.50-bis (of which just a couple of pictures were known, with the arrester hook in evidence).

I omit the flight test data of the prototype SAI 107 (a light fighter trainer).

I added some comparison data from other sources (V Reparto's data sheets, C.202 manual C.A. 670-2, and Gianni Cattaneo's Aircraft Profile # 28 on C.202).



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