Japanese name for Ki-51 Sonia

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Fatboy Coxy

Airman 1st Class
Aug 24, 2019
Hi all

I know the allies named it 'Sonia', but was there a Japanese name for the Ki-51 type 99 assault plane, please
All I can tell you is what I read in the book. It is a Japanese publication from 1956. It says "Shitei" was strategic reconnaissance "Guntei" was tactical recon. The tables in the book lists Ki-51 Guntei with it's purpose as "army reconnaissance". You may see their sources in the Thread "Nakjima Homare - What's the verdict" posts 33 & 34. They did not use footnotes as per western publications but took the info from interviews with those listed. Many of the names are well known.
Just a brief follow up on Japanese names for their planes. The "Airview" book only has a name for many of the army's planes. The Ki-100,Ki-36, Ki-57,Ki-48, and Ki-21 are some which are indicated no Japanese name was given.
The Ki-51 may have been called Guntei much the way we call the C-47/DC-3 Gooney Bird. Unofficial.

Kyu-kyu-shiki-syugekiki (Kyu-kyu-syu or Kyu-kyu-Syugeki for short in the field)
meaning Type 99 Assault Plane

Variant as same Ki-51
Kyu-kyu-shiki-ghunteisatsuki (Kyu-kyu-shiki-ghun-tei or Kyu-kyu-ghun-tei for short in the field)
meaning Type 99 Reconnaissance Plane

Bold letters show popular ones.
So ... "Sonia" remains the best choice for clarity of communication. Because only kotaku can keep the Ki designations straight.
I really hate the American code names but admit they are useful!

the English translated War History of JAAF 1941-42, by mostly Dutch translators calls it both
Type–99 Tactical Reconnaissance
Type–99 Assault

There is also a JAAF Type-99 twin light bomber and Type-99 advanced trainer, at least!
There were two versions of the KI-51, hence the two types.

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