Member In Perpetuity
Just finished reading "Japan's War", by Edwin P. Hoyt. This is a good book, but a very slow starter. It starts in 1853 and goes to the end of WW-II. What is interesting is that Japan was an island nation that really wanted to be left alone. They were somewhat primitive, but they existed. Along came Commodore Perry who forced the Japanese into a trade agreement, which opened the door for other countries to begin trade with Japan.
Later, it goes into great account as to how Japan created "an incident" in China, where Japanese citizens were killed. Then Japan had to send a battalion of troops to "protect" the Japanese citizens.
It goes through the war, telling how "government" lied to the people, concealing the terrific losses to the Japanese Army and Navy, and exaggerating their victories.
At the end of the book is a copy of the Japanese Constitution that was written in 1946 and adopted in 1947. Of particular interest is Article 9,
which says.....
"Aspiring sincerely to an international peace, based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat of use of force as means of settling disputes."
"In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized."
The book is over 500 pages, including appendix's and indexes, but a very good read none the less.
Later, it goes into great account as to how Japan created "an incident" in China, where Japanese citizens were killed. Then Japan had to send a battalion of troops to "protect" the Japanese citizens.
It goes through the war, telling how "government" lied to the people, concealing the terrific losses to the Japanese Army and Navy, and exaggerating their victories.
At the end of the book is a copy of the Japanese Constitution that was written in 1946 and adopted in 1947. Of particular interest is Article 9,
which says.....
"Aspiring sincerely to an international peace, based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat of use of force as means of settling disputes."
"In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized."
The book is over 500 pages, including appendix's and indexes, but a very good read none the less.