Ju-213A and 100/130 Grade Fuel

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Senior Airman
Sep 25, 2006
What kind of power do you get if you put a proper grade of fuel thru a Junkers Ju-213A?

This is from"Aircraft Engines of the World 1949" by Paul Wilkinson

Still in production by the french at this time


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What kind of power do you get if you put a proper grade of fuel thru a Junkers Ju-213A?

The answer is: the same. Higher grade fuel alone doesn't yield higher power outputs, but it allows for higher manifold pressure or compression ratio, which increase output; only if these latter are increase (and the engine can stand the increased load mechanically) will power increase. But its a very interesting find, did the French produce the 213 post war, too? I did not know! :)

IIRC the Jumo 213A had two versions, one with lower and one with higher compression ratio, for low grade B-4 and high grade C-3 respectively.

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