JU 87 B Stuka

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Apr 28, 2010
hi, after some detailed stuka pics or atwork, B variant BoB period, possibly STG 2 Immelman, if theres another thread on here please direct me thanks
I think Minter is more interested in old real pictures of Stukas used during BoB than these from the museum.However these look great TB Mate.
Here you are a couple of profiles of one of Ju87Bs of 3./StG2 , the St. Molo airfield in France in August 1940.The Stuka T6+HL Werk Nummer 3360 wore the standard camo scheme RLM 70/71/65.The yellow "H" letter was painted on the right main wheel spat.The spinner tip yellow as well.According to a Kagero book about Ju87 the aircraft made an emergency landing near the Chichester-Selsey road the county Sussex.It was on 16th August 1940 after a struggle against a Hurricane of 601 RAF Squadron.

ALso, here you are a profile of R-2 machine of Stab I./StG2 coded T6+AC flown by the Squadron Commander Hptm. Walter Enneccerus in the same period of BoB. The same standard camo scheme.


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It was not uncommon to remove the spats because they would sometimes fill up with water and mud, especially on the eastern front with its unimproved airstrips.

In fact here are some pics:


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I agree.


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thanks guys, it make sense, i've just never seen a stuka without them. my thought on their inclusion was that the rounded and tapered shape was to reduce air friction since the gear was fixed
The Stuka has always been one of my favorite aircraft, its uglybeautiful shape is unmistakable for anything else
aerodynamics does not seem to have been a consideration in its design
landing gear must cause significant drag hence retractable gear on just about every other plane
Thanks Adler, would you say that in actual practice most Stukas had them removed? or as was said earlier due just to the unimproved landing field's mud and water.
catch22, in addition to dive brakes?
catch22, in addition to dive brakes?

Yeah, there's no reason not to. The slower you're going in a dive, the better. That being said, it was an older philosophy because they were also more of a sitting duck due to all that extra drag at all times. If you look at the SB2C Helldiver for instance, performance was emphasized in its design, and its cruising speed was only 2 mph slower than that of the Hellcat. The only plane in the fleet that was significantly faster was the Corsair. The Val was also similar in that it had fixed gear.
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there's an excellent thread on TBF/TBD tactics on this site. at midway they were essentially bait to keep the zeros off the dive bombers. i was quite surprised to learn that the entire dive took about 30sec and after bomb release they had about 2sec to pull out. Pucker factor=10

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