Universally considered to be one of the shittiest fighters of early WW2, but there seems to be very little actual information about it somehow.
Whatever data there is shows it to be roughly similar to ms 406, Bloch MB 15x, etc, if not somewhat better. Supposedly didn't meet it's performance specifications (then again, so didn't 406...). Production was a kafkaesque clusterfuck. Only flew with jerryrigged RCMGs and didn't see any actual combat, so nothing to go by there either.
Tl;dr: how bad did it really suck, and could something actually useful have come out of the project eventually?
Whatever data there is shows it to be roughly similar to ms 406, Bloch MB 15x, etc, if not somewhat better. Supposedly didn't meet it's performance specifications (then again, so didn't 406...). Production was a kafkaesque clusterfuck. Only flew with jerryrigged RCMGs and didn't see any actual combat, so nothing to go by there either.
Tl;dr: how bad did it really suck, and could something actually useful have come out of the project eventually?