Kuznetsov NK-12

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Senior Airman
Oct 24, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Not exactly WWII but you guys are a wealth on information, and it may have had its origins with Junkers.

What does an NK-12 engine weigh - approximately? Wiki is a little ambiguous. The 2546 lbs they have sounds a little light - perhaps refering to the weight of the propellors alone. The Europrop TP400 says 4167lbs. for 11000ehp. The RR Tyne weighs about 2500 for about 6000hp.

Kuznetsov NK-12 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to "Aircraft Engines of the World 1960/61" by Paul Wilkinson, 5070 lbs (2300 kg) without propellers. "Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1960/61" has the same weight but does not specify with or without props. By they way, I picked 1960 for no reason.

Jane's Aero-Engines Issue Eight (2000) has:
NK-12M 2900 kg (6393 lbs)
NK-12MV 2590 kg (5710 lbs)

Wiki is close on the number but wrong on the units.


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