Landing on a carrier during a thunderstorm

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Jan 21, 2009
I tried landing an A6M Zero on a carrier during a thunderstorm. Although I managed to get the plane on the deck, I had a difficult time correcting the plane's orientation during the final approach as the winds would blow it off to the starboard side of the ship. I had to use extensive left rudder input to correct the approach.

My questions: is there any systematic way to land a plane on a carrier during weather conditions like the ones I simulated (high winds, low visibility)? Is it acceptable to align the plane on the port side of the carrier during final approach and just let it "drift" towards the center, while correcting its heading constantly using the rudder?
Havent tried carrier landings in high wind/low visibility. For me, I find dead of night landing with an F4U-1D Corsair on an escort carrier in clear conditions plenty difficult, I manage to do it about half the time, the other half I die.
Since you got it down in those conditions I think you did everything right.

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