True, but the drag coefficent is depending from the object's shape.
First, due to the pressure gradient distribution, the mid-wing configuration makes a less draggy coef, from itself.
Two questions, particularly with respect to single engine propeller driven ships. 1.) how were pressure gradients measured in the 30's and 40's, and 2.) how were the effects of a wing immersed in a stream tube measured (or even more interestinly, calculated)?
Comment - calculating a pressure gradient distribution immersed in a propwash was then, and is now, impossible - to my knowledge - for a three dimensional subject.
The combination of a laminar flow model, for potential flow, using for eaxample a distribution of sources and sinks, then combining 'plugged in' positive pressure distribution to account for boundary layer separation is in itself an art for a simple wing, but applying a similar technique when adding a fuselage and the 3-D effects of a turbulent stream tube originating upstream is an order of magnitude more difficult.
Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by a pressure gradient distribution method of calculation? and where it might be found in pre WWII literature.
Second, the total wing + fuselage assembled altogether drag is higher than arithmetic separate values for both components.
Total drag = wing drag + fuselage drag + interference drag. To reduce the last one, you use Karman fairings. Assuming even some (little) drag loss due surface increase, you win anyway more at the end, on drag coef reducing. The last one being significant.
The contribution to wing/body effect of vortex drag (due to wing twist, tip config, aspect ratio, wing/body interference, etc) is far more dependent on wing span to fuselage diameter ratio than any form of fillet, although a blended wing body approach like an SR-71 reduces wetted area drag components.
Your state would be true if the fairing (of any kind) re-intruduced laminar flow, or conversely reduced turbulent flow with respect to a low or high wing config - which leads us back to the question posed above regarding the immersion in a stream tube of turbulent (and rotational) prop wash.
Bringing us back to the question - how prove the thesis?
They are much more efficient ( they =Karmans) on rounded or oval section fuselage in mid wing position also, than on the others formulas.
Magnitude of 'much more' efficient even assuming that experimental values approximating real conditions (wind tunnel model with fully operating power plant/prop)
The P-38 demonstrated that wing fillet was added to the mid-wing configuration would reduce turbulent flow separation but again this was not immersed in a propwash stream tube.. furter there were no comparisons against a 'low wing configuration' to compare in a wind tunnel.
Third, all that jobs were maid in wind tunnels since early twenties, more that enough times. All results are published (by Eiffel, Göttingen, ONERA, TsAGuI centers ...) and available in much specialised scientific highschool libraries.
It's not a big secret/discovery. Maybe searching at the NACA site you can browse values on the WEB.
I am unable to get to my own texts until I unpack.
My question regarding the mid wing vs low wing position is not so much the potential advantage of a mid wing vs low wing drag contribution , but of the relevance or magnitude of the wing/body contribution to the vortex, or total induced drag, when discussing prop driven aircraft.