Looking for high quality photos of B5N2 'KEB-306'

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May 16, 2016

I am curious as to whether anyone here has high resolution copies (or knows where I can get high resolution copies) of the photos of the cockpit(s) of B5N2 "KEB-306" captured on Saipan. These photos were in Mikesh's book but I'm having a hell of a time finding the originals. I'm doing a 3D model of a Kate and I really wanna get the interior as accurate as I can.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!
I wouldn't even know where to begin to reach out to him. I figure he is the best bet, because they're in his book, though!
Bob Mikesh was curator National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1970-1991, senior curator aeronautics, 1983-1991 has been a member of the advisory board of the United States Air Force Museum since 1996, a member of the board of directors of the World War I Aero Publication since 1992 and a trustee of the Bristol Heritage Collection since 1997.

He is the owner, manager R. Mikesh & Associates, Temple Hills, Maryland.

I still think that the NASM is the source or recipient of most of the photos in his book.
Unfortunately, Mr. Mikesh has passed away.

However, a researcher I hired was able to find one of the photos I was looking for. I'm still looking for more, though, so if anyone is familiar with the workings of the National Archives I'd be more than happy to talk with you!

Has anyone come across this style data plate in real life? It's got 4 entry fields whereas most IJN plates I've seen have 6.
Is it perhaps an Instructional Plate or something other than an Airframe Data Plate? There's another to its left.


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US Navy 80-G Collection kept at NARA. (Not sure if NARA is re-open or not, but with the ref #'s for these photos a researcher can pull them very easily.)
Army Signal Corps Collection may have more photos as well


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The plate can be read almost like this.
Fields for the airframe number and the part number seem to be omitted

製造所: 中島飛行機株式会社
使用機体: 九七式一號・三號艦上攻撃機
製造番号: 第 號
自重: 瓩

Manufacturer Nakajima Aircraft Co., Ltd.
Airframe Type 97 Mk1/Mk3 Carrier-based Attacker
Serial number: No.-
Self-weight: kgs.
Inspection marking:
Inspection date:

US Navy 80-G Collection kept at NARA. (Not sure if NARA is re-open or not, but with the ref #'s for these photos a researcher can pull them very easily.)
Army Signal Corps Collection may have more photos as well
This is awesome! I will definitely be sending NARA another e-mail to request these. Thanks so much!

BTW, are there further pages of 80-G photos for that Kate or is that it? I'd like to order everything in one go.
Arigatou! Have you ever seen an example of this plate survive to this day? This is a close relative but not exact.

I have also bought a copy of "Model Art 553" because it claims to have a reproduction of the B5N1 manual at the defense library in Ichigaya. I hope this is true!
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What became of the one found at the Russian, formerly Japanese, island? There was talk of building reproductions before the current mess.

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