Looking for Index of British Standard Equipment Part Numbers

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Nov 16, 2008
Like the subject says, does anyone have, or know where to get, a complete listing of British standard airborne equipment numbers along with a short description of what the numbers correspond to?


5D/1558 DISTRIBUTOR, Photoflash
7B/982 PISTOL, Signal
5C/2029 INDICATOR, Undercarriage Position

etc., etc......
You need to locate a copy of RAF Air Publication 1086 the Equipment Manual covering end items and spare parts. Unfortunately, like all APs this was a document constantly under amendment and as equipment became obsolete the pages covering that item were removed of replaced with printed amendments.
Thank-you. I'll take a look to see if Kew has one.

I know what you mean by printed revisions. Those, along with hand-written mark-up instructions make these docs very hard to assemble into a "current" version.
Colin Hinson has put together a wonderful site from which the attached may be of help, I do not no know of an "authoritative" site for "all" WW2 A.M 5C-5D items.
There are quite a few other APs listed on his site .
If you can source one you are going to be a very popular man.

Cheers Mike


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