Macchi C.202 the Bf-109

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
Both of these planes used the Daimler-Benz DB 601 engine. My question is why is the cockpit of the Macchi so far back? Is that where the fuel cells were?
Hi Thorlifter,

Below is a cutaway of a MC 205 with Damiler engine. In between the engine and the cockpit is the main fuel cell and the weapons systems. I couldnt find a cut away of a MC 202 with damiler engine but guessing it would be very simular.



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"...I couldnt find a cut away of a MC 202 with damiler engine but guessing it would be very simular."

more than correct, except for the engine the fuselage of mc 202 and 205V (not 205N) were exactly the same

Note : the suffix 'AS' in the Italian fighter means something completely different than 'AS' for the Bf109: it stays for 'Africa settentrionale' (North Africa) and identifies the aircraft fitted with special sand air-filter etc.
So, as with the Corsair, I would imagine the forward field of view was horrible. Does sitting back like this help/hurt landing? I know it hurt the Corsair for landing on a carrier, but what about on a landing strip?
The cockpit isn't really as that far back as it is in the F4U Corsair. Sitting back wouldn't really hurt much and having plenty of strip on which to land, i doubt the pilot would hurt himself. These particular Italian fighters weren't really too hard to land.

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