Manoeuvre rating for WW2 aircraft

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However, I remember the old F16 game, if you pulled to many G's you would begin to red out, then the plane would continue doing what it was doing but you would have a blank screen til you woke up.


Would that be the 'F-16 Combat Pilot'?
LOL, I'd autopilot past some of the more difficult parts.

I never figured out how to use HARM missiles effectively - I'd let the computer pilots to that and fly CAP myself
I've had no problems with HARM, just be sure you use it on proper target, ie. SAM site. The most useless missiles for me were the IR versions of the Maverick, in some missions the laser-guided ones were unavailable.
Didn't put too much of effort for the allied computer pilots ( just give them something and let go), I'd usually bomb up my F-16 to the teeth and unleash the havoc.
Other sim from that era I've enjoyed was the Silent Service II, ie. the submarine ww2 sim.
I've had no problems with HARM, just be sure you use it on proper target, ie. SAM site.

Yeah, did that. I lost so many planes going after a SAM site, rarely took out the SAM. Went to having the computer wingmen go after the SAM site, did much better. Absolutely no idea what I was doing wrong. Could do everything else fine, just not the HARM missiles.

Wish they would have added a few planes as options for the player, like F15/14, F18, F111, etc.
you dont have to do everything by key stroke. you can get a stick with an attached ( or separtate) throttle quadrant that has levers for prop pitch and mixture. some also the have flap functions, gear, and trim wheels. there are a ton of pedals that work flawlessly. you can get IR tracking so when you turn your head the camera view moves....the complete goggle style hd arent too far in the distance. they do get you a way better view but where everything gets lost is depth perception. once they add 3D look out. with the goggle monitors and 3D you could probably get someone to throw up in their lap with some great maneuvers. almost no one i know plays with unlimited fuel and ammo. most are careful with their loads because it does affect the maneuverability of the ac. only time i ever use unlimited is if i am in a free flight and want to explore the map or i am practicing gunnery. like was said some of these games are way old...
What are some of the best (closest to true sim) of the games out there, Bobbysocks?
first let me say i have a mac right now so i am really limited on what i can play. I have warbirds which is ok..nothing to scream about. mostly i got introduced to these on console. most are cheesy arcade games but there are a couple that are decent....the 2 best for PS3 and Xbox are Birds of Prey and Birds of steel. both of those are from gaijin ( more on that later ). one of the guys i fly with is a former airline pilot and tows gliders on the side. he is impressed with some of the handling of some of the planes even in this console game. as far as PC, the best are yet to come out like Battle of Stalingrad which looks very promising. as was mentioned, though i havent played it, IL 2 cliffs of dover. it became a huge debacle for the developers so they gave up. the community took over and made missions and worked at fixing bugs and i guess turned it into a decent game. war thunder is in beta...i am not too happy with the developers...gaijin as they do not have a great track record supporting and fixing their console games and seem to have a bias against us ac. ww2 europe 1944 is in developement...a great team and if they can do what they claim it shoud be awesome...but that remains to be seen. so right now you have the old stuff that has been reworked by mission builders and modders...IL-2 1946 seems to be the fall back game and if you like ww1 rise of flight. a lot of these games can be modded and there is a HUGE community of guys to work to make them as real as possible and in some aspects they are spot on. i plan to get a pc this year and will build myself a small set up with pedals...throttle quad and a decent stick...i just have too much other stuff that i have to throw money at first. i listed several links below....they are to some of the forums. you can get a feel for things just lurking about in them. the x-plane ( its a free DL ) crowd...actually build different ac for the game....some are decent some completely suck. but they have a forum where they talk about building and getting info for the flight models...which might be of some interest to you. now these ( except for x-plane ) are all games where you can fly/dogfight/etc with people. there are programs like microsoft flight sim but you are pretty much by yourself...not much fun unless you are working on navigation skills or messing with instruments....traffic pattern work, etc. a lot of real pilots use them if they are travelling to an unfamilair airport. they can see the lay of the land and by shooting some landings and take offs they get a feel for the airport. so check out those links and see what you think.


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Below is a link to a forum where there is been a good deal of work done into conglomerating tests that have been done on WW2 fighter craft. I must say it's about the most comprehensive list I have seen - and does a good job detailing not only test results, but the specs on the test, i.e. plane weight at time of test, what exactly was carried in regards to fuel, armament, etc.

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