As memo serves the Hinomaru with the white outline was applied by the Nakajima factory to distinguish their Zeros from the Mitsubishu manufacturer built kites. But it was done before the Green/Light Grey camouflage was intorduced in the beginning of the 1943. Soon as the new camo was introduced also the Mitsubishi started applying the white circle around the Japanese National marking. So it is not possible to say by what factory the Zero was made. Additionally the white outline was overpainted with the green or black by the maintenance crews at the field mostly. As a result the way the demarcation line of the camo colours was running can give a tip. But same as with the Luftwaffe camouflages and colours I have to say it can be the general statement only. Contrary to the A6M5, in case of the A6M2, to determine which factory the plane was manufactured by, it would be good to know its serial number.
View attachment 769714
the source: the net.