MiG-15 1/48?

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My mates here said the Tamiya model is of better fitting. But the Trumperter one comes with more options for opened hatches and aircraft parts eg. different rudders. Also the engine details are much better for the kit.
Though the Tamiya is older, the only thing I like above the Tamiya in the Trumpeter is the fully molded exhaust pipe. The Tamiya has a weight as part of the build. Yes you can add your own weight but I find in these open nose aircraft to be difficult at best. Also the Tamiya gives you a tail maintenance stand should you wish to build it open engine. Other than that they are a similar build. If you like I'll try and scan in the instruction sheet for both maybe tomorrow.
Nice thread and very interesting comparison. I built the Tamiya Mig-15 years ago and it was OK but never really
impressed me. I have heard very good things about the Trumpeter one and am going to try it. I once
long ago had the Trumpeter 1/32 Mig-15 and although sparse in the cockpit for some reason it looked
more the part than the Tamiya kit. I read somewhere that Tamiya has the wrong angle for the wing sweep
but I can not remember where I read that. For me it will be Trumpeter.- John

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