1st Lieutenant
The first of several - all in English - as supplied to English speaking nations that bought the aircraft.
This one is missing a couple of pages from the Table of Contents.
EDIT Don't download this at present - I am going to create and add the missing ToC pages and add some colour pages that are black and white in this copy.
Expect it in about a week as I have to clean up the colour pages.
Diagram 90 was missing and I have tracked a copy down (in Russian) and Wurger generously provided a translation of the caption.
I compiled the missing third page of the Table of Contents
I added page numbers to each page - the originals were numbered in the outside corner of each page and most missing/partial in my photocopy - probably when it was photocopied from A4 on Letter size paper - and my PDF software does not provide that page numbering option
I faked up the cover using another manual of the period as the template - apparently ОБОРОНГИЗ is Oborongis in English and they are/were a Technical publisher in Moscow. The date was a guess from when the original aircraft were being exported and at least one Russian MiG-15 manual was published by Oborongis with that date.
EDIT Don't download this at present - I am going to create and add the missing ToC pages and add some colour pages that are black and white in this copy.
Expect it in about a week as I have to clean up the colour pages.
Diagram 90 was missing and I have tracked a copy down (in Russian) and Wurger generously provided a translation of the caption.
I compiled the missing third page of the Table of Contents
I added page numbers to each page - the originals were numbered in the outside corner of each page and most missing/partial in my photocopy - probably when it was photocopied from A4 on Letter size paper - and my PDF software does not provide that page numbering option
I faked up the cover using another manual of the period as the template - apparently ОБОРОНГИЗ is Oborongis in English and they are/were a Technical publisher in Moscow. The date was a guess from when the original aircraft were being exported and at least one Russian MiG-15 manual was published by Oborongis with that date.
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