Mig-9 fargo

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Sep 6, 2008
Here is a small PDf file I hope some may find useful. It has some performance charts on the Mig-9, Yak-15 and the Mig-13. It aint much, when I get anything better I'll upload it.



  • sov_jet.pdf
    59.2 KB · Views: 154
A game! Do I feel like a flaming Wombat, sorry lads. Will keep on searching, I can get many photo's of the Fargo but little else. Can get a little frustrating, once more into the breach dear friends.

My long suffering wife tells me if I keep on about Mig aircraft I may lose my "goolies". She is Italian and aint kidding, it will be hell folks!

I will try harder..............regards eccles:oops:
My long suffering wife tells me if I keep on about Mig aircraft I may lose my "goolies". She is Italian and aint kidding, it will be hell folks!

I will try harder..............regards eccles:oops:

Long suffering... :lol:

I will say for the rest of the Forum, we look forward to you trying harder. Personally, I always enjoy seeing another man suffer when I don't have too. :lol:

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